All Cyber School – NIS 2 and its effects

Monday 19 February, 2024

The second session of the “All Cyber Shool” organized by Cyber Security Management was dedicated to NIS2. Stanislas Van Oost was invited as a speaker. During this 2-hour session, co-moderated with Chritophe Holh from Cyber Security Management, Stanislas Van Oost presented the 10 impacts of the NIS2 Directive as well as the practical steps for a gradual implementation.

In this video, Stanislas Van Oost explains :

  • What is the European NIS2 Directive?
  • What will change for management committees, boards of directors and executive committees?
  • How is this new responsibility perceived by companies?
  • How is the directive organised?
  • What are the deadlines?

Watch the video (in French)